Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Conflict reporting fellowship opens to Asian journalists

Country :None
Topic :Fellowships and Awards
Asian journalists working in print, radio and television have until June 5 to apply for a conflict-reporting fellowship, in which participants will research conflict-related issues in Northeast India.

The fellowship, which will run from July 2008 to June 2009, is being offered by Panos South Asia, an institute that facilitates public discourse and debate in Asia.

Selected fellows will be provided editorial support by an advisory panel comprised of senior journalists and peace and conflict experts. They will also be provided financial support for travel and research. Women, journalists writing in local languages and persons from under-represented areas are encouraged to apply.

Crisis reporting travel grants available

Region :Worldwide
Country :None
Topic :Conflict

Throughout the year, the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting funds international travel costs associated with reporting projects on topics and regions of global importance, with an emphasis on issues that have gone unreported or under-reported in the mainstream American media.
Journalists of any nationality on staff at print or broadcast outlets as well as freelancers are eligible for support, as long as their proposed projects include a plan for distribution in the American mainstream media.

The amount of individual travel grants will depend on the specific project and detailed budget planning. Most awards fall in the range of US$3,000 to $10,000 but depending on project specifics may be as much as US$20,000.

Applications will be considered upon receipt, with an emphasis on making projects as timely and newsworthy as possible.

For more information, go to or contact